We're committed to providing clients with the highest standards of support and attention, and we go above and beyond to ensure that they're satisfied with our services. So every client, irrespective of size, gets a dedicated marketing manager. Your sidekick administers everything end to end, so whenever you need help, you've always got someone to contact who understands your needs.

Last Updated: October 3rd, 2023

Dedicated Marketing Manager.

Alongside helping you get the most from our services, your account manager will develop and execute marketing strategies that will reach your target audience and achieve your business goals. As well as managing all aspects of your brief for any origination work or hosting solutions.

They'll help you identify your objectives and develop strategies to achieve them, using the best tools and marketing channels.
They'll manage the creative process and implementation of your marketing strategies, keeping you up to date with progress.
They'll track the results of your campaigns and offer optimisations for continuous improvement and better results.
They'll save you time and money by taking care of tasks you don't have time for, plus suggest ways to make budgets go further.

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