Recently we were commisioned to create a new eye-catching print advert for popular DIY brand Filltite and carry out the graphic design work. Aimed at trade decorators to publicise the arrival of a new rapid drying filler, we’re proud to share the finished results with you.

By Published On: October 16th, 2020

Your Time Has Never Been More Important.

The project to produce new graphic design for diy adverts were to publicise the arrival of our clients new “rapid drying” filler product. Because the campaigns timing coincided with controversial pandemic restrictions this Autumn, we took the opportunity to use a topical theme. Which, most importantly, was time related.

Advertising Graphic Design

Pandemic Restrictions.

Early Closing Time.

With plenty of Covid-19 restrictions and regular changes to the rules around them, its been a tough year for everyone. Similarly more restrictions this autumn, now require leisure venues to close early. In particular, instead of being able to operate during their normal opening hours, pubs everywhere must now close by 10pm. Consequently news reports about this have caused much interest and debate.

Highlighting Product Benefits.

It’s no secret that working people in the UK, including our target market, enjoy a social drink after a hard days work. Therefore after considering the products time saving benefits, we had the perfect opportunity to create a tongue in cheek advert.

Producing The Composition.

3D Renders Using Adobe Dimension.

Using Adobe Dimension, we’ve created an artificial scene for the advert. It incorporates various 3D product renders and directional lighting effects. The graphic design helps present viewers with the convincing image of a room, pictured towards the end of a working day. In other words, one where all the jobs are finished.

To finish off the projects composition, a thought provoking headline about the importance of time, is coupled with the products speed benefits. And finally, in keeping with the tongue in cheek theme, we subtly added a clock set to early closing time!

The finished advert has been published in various consumer interest magazines, relating to the products target market. Additionally we created a series of web banners, for display on affiliated websites.

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