Its no secret that our planet is environmentally in the process of being turned upside down. So as individuals and businesses, its never been more important to consider what we can do to reduce and remove, negative impact on our environment.

By Published On: March 12th, 2021

Six One Creative has joined Ecologi.

The impact of human activity is creating a disastrous effect for almost all life on Earth. We know it’s preventable. And we know that, unless we change, Earth is not going to save itself. So, it is up to us to solve it. Therefore we’ve joined with Ecologi, to compensate our carbon footprint.

Reducing our carbon footprint.

Reducing our carbon footprint is entirely necessary, but the transition of change is far slower than the time we have remaining. And the tools that we currently associate with fighting climate change are inadequate. But what if that changed and the billions of us who care became empowered?

Collectively across the world organisations like Ecologi have enough climate solutions underway right now. But to succeed they need support, if we supported them, then 30 years of carbon damage could be undone by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2.

Becoming Climate Positive by Planting Trees

Planting new trees.

Taking on the climate crises.

It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial to preventing ecological collapse.

Ecologi work with tree planting partner, The Eden Reforestation Projects, to plant millions of trees around the world each month.

Carbon reduction

To help us become climate positive, Ecologi invest our money into projects that remove more greenhouse gasses than our own carbon footprint puts in. Each month they support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard and equivalent bodies. Click here to checkout the trees we’ve planted so far.

Climate Action Workforce.

Carbon compensation scheme.

Six One Creative is now fully committed to carbon compensating with a minimum target of 100%. In line with our environment policy, we promise to financially and morally challenge all suppliers and clients to meet the same target.

If you’re ready to do the right thing before it’s too late, then join Ecologi today. Follow this link to sign up and they’ll get you going with a bonus 30 trees.

Climate Positive Workforce
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