Looking for a marketing agency who really understand you? If the answer is yes, then you're in the right place. This because understanding the organisation, products and markets of our clients, is something we take very seriously.

Last Updated: October 21st, 2023

Understanding Client Requirements.

When it comes to successful marketing we take understanding client requirements very seriously. Getting to truly grasp everything that you want to achieve and being able to put it in context with your organisation, products, and target markets is essential.

Conversation is Key.

Talking through client objectives is the most crucial step in any new project. So everything we do always starts with a fact finding conversation. This means that we can discuss your objectives and get to know a bit about each other.

We Always do Our Research.

After our first conversation, we always do our research. This means that we carefully study your industry, existing positioning, products and services, competitors, audience, and customers. We do this for most projects.

Face to Face Meetings.

For more complex creative projects and marketing campaigns, we’ll look to follow up our research with a face to face meeting. Ideally this would be in person, but a video call is a great alternative. This is normally the perfect opportunity to start presenting our ideas and recommendations, which can be developed with your input.

Building Long Term Relationships.

For long term campaigns and projects we’ll always adapt our workflow, so that we can integrate seamlessly with your team. For example, if you want us to spend time working at your office, then we’ll be there. What’s more spending time together is a great way to get under the skin of your culture and understand more about what you do.

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