Web Development

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Web Development2023-02-14T11:18:19+00:00
Web Development Surf Board

Grow your business online with an eye-catching website and engaging digital marketing.

When people want information about anything, they surf the internet first. So whatever your organisation does, good web development is essential for making a great first impression. 

We’ve got what you need to stand out with a custom website. You’ll always know what to expect with our transparent pricing and great customer service. So let’s bring your online business to life, by working together.


Get a Free Quote Today.

Instead of forcing square pegs into round templates, we build websites around your needs. Considering what works best, and with one eye on your objectives, we’ll guide you through a collaborative process that develops around your style.

Website Design Strategy

Free Hosting Promotion


Included With Every New Website.

When you commission us to build your new website, you’ll get free hosting and domain management for a year. It’s worth more than £240 and there’s no catch. So if you want to leave at any point, then you can.



You’re Never on Your Own When We’re on Your Team.

When you subscribe to one of our management packages, you can rely on us to take care of the heavy lifting. Which means you’ll get exactly what you need to operate the latest digital marketing strategies in your business, without disappearing down a hole.

Website Support Services
  • Avoid time sapping tech frustration and prevent digital nightmares by leaving the technical stuff to us for regular maintenance, disaster prevention and recovery.

  • Depend on us to manage your website. We'll attract new vistors with content marketing, whilst continuously optimising everything to rank organically on search engines.

  • We build marketing automations, manage digital campaigns and provide analytics that help you build an audience, engage with visitors and convert them into customers.

Website Coaching


Get 1-2-1 Coaching & Support.

We teach empowering digital skills that free our clients from external dependency. Quickly learn how to post fresh, search engine optimised content and operate independently online.


What are Cookies?2023-10-19T13:39:53+01:00

Understanding Internet Cookies.

Internet cookies, also known as web or browser cookies, are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer or mobile device. They are saved on your device by the websites that you visit, this is so they can be used to tailor your online experience. Rest assured they’re not harmful and they don’t carry viruses or malware.

Types of Cookies Online.

There are two main types of cookies online and its useful to be aware of how they are used, so that you can make informed decisions about your privacy. You can choose to disable them in your browser settings at any time, but this may limit the functionality of certain websites. Here is an explanation of the different types and how they are used:

First Party.

These are set by the website you are currently visiting and are typically used to improve your browsing experience on that website. Here are some common examples of what a first party cookie can be used for:

  • Remembering your login information for a website
  • Tracking items in your shopping cart on an e-commerce store
  • Remembering your language settings for a website
  • Remembering your preferences for a website, such as the type of content you want to see.

Third Party.

These are set by websites other than the one you are currently visiting. They are often used to track browsing activity across multiple websites and to target adverts at you. Here are some common examples of who might be using a third party cookie:

  • Social media websites use them to share content from the website you are visiting.
  • Website analytics companies use them to track and report on site traffic and user behaviour.
  • Advertising companies use them to monitor your browsing activity so they can show you targeted adverts.

Why Do We Need Cookies?

The use of cookies is currently an essential part of the internet because they are widely used to enhance the functionality and quality of website content. Additionally they are often used to help improve the accuracy of digital marketing.

You can find out about how we use cookies by reading our cookie policy.

What are Backlinks?2023-10-19T13:29:24+01:00

Understanding Backlinks.

The word “backlink” is used to describe the links located on websites, other than your own, that go back to a page on your website. Sometimes they are referred to as inbound links because they represent another website’s traffic arriving at your own site.

Backlinks are an in important part SEO and can help to improve your website’s ranking on SERPs. This is because links back to locations on your website are considered an indicator of how popular your website is with users. So they act as a signal to search engines that other websites trust and recommend you.

What are SERPs?2023-10-17T19:27:27+01:00

Search Engine Result Pages.

Every search engine does things slightly differently. Each employ their own meticulously crafted algorithm to rank pages and the way results are presented can vary. For a long time Google Search has held and still holds the accolade of most popular search engine, with more than 80% of the market. Even though Bing from Microsoft reportedly gained more users following the integration of the popular AI chatbot tool ChatGPT.

SERPs Can Be Highly Competitive.

Depending on what users are searching for, ranking positions on a SERP can be highly competitive. This is because users are more likely to click on the results displayed towards the top of the page. So holding these positions organically can be very valuable.

Popular Search Engines

DuckDuckGo logo
Google search logo
Bing logo
Web Hosting Services

SERP Features.

In addition to generic search results which simply display the site name and metadata. Googles search algorithm can also return special features like images, shopping suggestions and information cards.

The SERP features displayed following a search, depend on the type of query entered. With search queries typically falling into one of three categories: navigational, informational, or transactional.

Example SERP Feature Queries

How to Boost Your Websites Ranking.

More than 90% of consumer internet traffic goes to websites that rank on the first page of Googles search results. But if your site doesn’t appear towards the top, for a search term that you want to rank for, don’t worry.

There are various things you can do to boost your websites position on a SERP, collectively these are known as search engine marketing (SEM) tactics. These include pay-per-click (PPC) adverts, content marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO).

Search Engine Marketing.

We offer a variety of digital marketing and  search engine optimisation services that will help boost the ranking position of your business on search pages. Check out our Content Management Packages for a great low cost way to get started.
What is SEO?2023-10-17T17:06:21+01:00

Understanding Search Engine Optimisation.

Having a gorgeous website is all well and good, but if no one knows it exists, then what’s the point? If you’re a website owner the best way to start attracting visitors, is to make sure your pages rank in the results of popular search engines. This can be achieved by employing digital marketing tactics collectively known as search engine optimisation.

Why SEO Services Outperform Paid Advertising

SEO Campaign Elements.

SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, but it’s an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. By following the right practices, you can improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), attract more visitors and grow an audience.

There are many different factors that form an SEO campaign, including some key elements:


The keywords used on a web pages are one of the most important factors in determining its SERPs ranking. Search engines use them to match queries to websites, so it is important to choose keywords that are relevant and likely to be used by potential visitors for search queries.


The content on a website is also an important factor. Search engines look for high-quality content that is relevant to the keywords being used. So content should be informative, well presented and engaging, with well written, compelling and persuasive copy.

Technical SEO.

Technical SEO refers to a websites construction. In simple terms it’s about how the nuts and bolts are put together and their impact on performance. This includes tuning and improving factors such as page load speed, device friendliness, and security.

How to SEO Your Website.

If you focus on the elements shown above, then you’ll be well on your way to improving your website’s ranking and reaching more potential customers organically. However it’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process and that a good strategy won’t always deliver immediate results. To ensure that your website is optimised to rank highly on SERPs, you need time and patience. Here are a few ways to speed things up:

Hire Professional SEO Services.

If you are serious about improving your website’s ranking and traffic, then hiring professional SEO services is the best way to go. Professionals can help you to quickly identify appropriate keywords. Plus they have the knowledge, tools, and experience to create and then execute a successful strategy.

Run Paid Search Campaigns.

Utilising paid search on Google can be a very effective way to quickly reach your target audience and bring traffic to your website from search result pages. However, it is important to note that this can be expensive and we strongly recommend that you only run PPC marketing campaigns to enhance other content optimisation strategies.

Example of sponsored ad placement in Google search

Sponsored Advert

Example of a PPC advert placed within search results

Optimise Websites From The Ground Up.

It is much easier to optimise a website for search from the start than to try to retrofit it later. When we build new websites, we integrate SEO best practices from the ground up. This includes things like using the right keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions, and header tags, alongside creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. As a result pages instantly meet the latest standards and you save time and money in the long run.

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